Install and run

The Ably Database Connector (ADBC) sends updates from your database to frontend clients through Ably channels using the outbox pattern. When you update data in your database, the changes are recorded in an outbox table. The Database Connector detects these changes and publishes them as messages to specified channels. Client applications using the Models SDK subscribe to these channels to receive updates to their local data.

The Database Connector is designed to run with your existing database. However, you can run a new database if you prefer.

The Database Connector is a Docker container image, making it compatible with any cloud infrastructure platform that can run Docker containers.

The following is an example of how to pull the Database Connector image:

docker pull

Use Docker Compose to run an existing PostgreSQL instance with the Database Connector. By default, Docker Compose automatically generates a PostgreSQL instance for you.

Docker Compose sets up and runs a local development environment. You can create and start your PostgreSQL database and an instance of the Database Connector on your local machine.

To begin, create a docker-compose.yml file with the following contents:

version: '3' services: adbc: image: env_file: - adbc.env # load config from env file # Uncomment below if you want to load config from your adbc.yaml file, # which takes precedence over config from the env. # volumes: # - ./adbc.yaml:/adbc.yaml:ro # mount yaml config file depends_on: postgres: condition: service_healthy networks: - adbc_network postgres: image: postgres:11-alpine ports: - 5432:5432 environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres POSTGRES_DB: postgres healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-q", "-d", "postgres", "-U", "postgres"] interval: 2s retries: 30 networks: - adbc_network volumes: - adbc_postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data volumes: adbc_postgres_data: networks: adbc_network:

Create an adbc.env file with, at a minimum, the following configuration options:

ADBC_ABLY_API_KEY=<loading API key, please wait> ADBC_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_URI=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/postgres ADBC_OUTBOX_TABLE_AUTO_CREATE=true ADBC_NODES_TABLE_AUTO_CREATE=true
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The docker-compose.yml will load this configuration into the adbc container as environment variables.

Run docker compose up to build and run the Docker containers:

docker compose up --build

Ping the database connector health endpoint to verify everything works correctly.

curl localhost:2259/health

The response should look similar to the following:


Verify your connection to the Ably network now you have a PostgreSQL database and Database Connector instance running. The following examples show how to write a record to the outbox table and confirm its publication.

Subscribe to a channel named foo using Server-Sent Events:

curl -s -u "<loading API key, please wait>" ""
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Add a record to the outbox table in your PostgreSQL database. Use the psql tool in the Postgres container to execute an SQL statement against the database:

docker exec -it -u postgres adbc-postgres \ psql postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/postgres \ -c "INSERT INTO outbox (mutation_id, name, channel, data, headers) \ VALUES ('1', 'test', 'foo', '{}', '{}');"

The Database Connector detects and publishes newly inserted records as messages to the specified channel in the record.

You will receive a response similar to the following, indicating the successful receipt of the event over your SSE connection to Ably:

id: 108GsR8ewBVHhJ@1700069266489-0 event: message data: {"id":"1","connectionId":"CaqkrZ2N_0","timestamp":1700069266050,"encoding":"json","extras":{"headers":{"x-ably-models-event-uuid":"1"}},"channel":"foo","data":"{}","name":"test"}

Use Railway with a PostgreSQL plugin instead of using your existing database.

Create a free Railway account, install the Railway CLI and log in:

npm i -g @railway/cli railway login

Create a new Railway project and link it to your project directory:

railway init # Enter a project name, e.g., "adbc-test" railway link

Add the PostgreSQL plugin to your project:

railway add --plugin postgresql

Create a new Dockerfile using the Database Connector as the base image. Railway requires a Dockerfile to define the application for deployment:

echo "FROM" > Dockerfile

Use railway up to deploy your application. This command will build the Database Connector container image from the Dockerfile in your project root and deploy it to your Railway project:

railway up --detach

Open your project in the Railway console:

railway open

Select the adbc-test service, then navigate to VariablesRAW Editor. Paste the following variables into this section:

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Railway will restart the adbc-test service with the newly applied configuration.

Verify your connection to the Ably network now you have a PostgreSQL database and Database Connector instance running. The following examples show how to write a record to the outbox table and confirm its publication.

Subscribe to a channel named foo using Server-Sent Events:

curl -s -u "<loading API key, please wait>" ""
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Add a record to the outbox table in your PostgreSQL database. Use the Railway CLI to execute an SQL statement against the database:

railway connect postgres railway=# INSERT INTO outbox (mutation_id, name, channel, data, headers) VALUES ('1', 'test', 'foo', '{}', '{}');

The Database Connector detects and publishes newly inserted records as messages to the specified channel in the record.

You will receive a response similar to the following, indicating the successful receipt of the event over your SSE connection to Ably:

id: 108GsR8ewBVHhJ@1700069266489-0 event: message data: {"id":"1","connectionId":"CaqkrZ2N_0","timestamp":1700069266050,"encoding":"json","extras":{"headers":{"x-ably-models-event-uuid":"1"}},"channel":"foo","data":"{}","name":"test"}

You can use one of the following methods to override the default values of configuration options:

Specify configuration options as environment variables by using the following method:

  • Capitalize each option.
  • Separate each word with underscores.
  • Prefix each option with ADBC_ to denote a namespace and avoid conflicts with other variables.

Set your Ably API key using an environment variable:

docker run -it -e ADBC_ABLY_API_KEY=<loading API key, please wait>
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The following is an example of reading the API key from a .env file:

echo “ADBC_ABLY_API_KEY=<loading API key, please wait>” >> adbc.env docker run -it --env-file=adbc.env
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Specify configuration options as YAML by using the following method:

  • Use camel case for each option.
  • Name the file adbc.yaml or .adbc.yaml.
  • Host it in the working directory, the $HOME directory, or specify its path using --config.

Set your Ably API key using a YAML file:

ably: apiKey: "<loading API key, please wait>"
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Ensure the YAML file is accessible to the application by mounting it inside the container:

docker run -it --volume "$(pwd)/adbc.yaml:/adbc.yaml:ro"

Verify the YAML file is mounted inside the container by using the following method:

version: '3' services: adbc: image: volumes: - ./adbc.yaml:/adbc.yaml:ro # mount yaml config file

Specify configuration options using CLI:

  • Use snake case for each option.
  • Prefix each with --.

Set your Ably API key using CLI:

docker run -it --ably-api-key=<loading API key, please wait>
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Use --help to view the complete set of configuration options available on the connector:

docker run -it --entrypoint="/adbc" --help

The following table provides descriptions for the most commonly used configuration options:

Option Description
ADBC_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_URI The full connection URI of your Postgres database.
ADBC_POSTGRES_HOST Your Postgres database host name as an alternative to providing the CONNECTION_URI.
ADBC_POSTGRES_PORT Your Postgres database port number as an alternative to providing the CONNECTION_URI.
ADBC_POSTGRES_DATABASE Your Postgres database name as an alternative to providing the CONNECTION_URI.
ADBC_POSTGRES_USER Your Postgres database user as an alternative to providing the CONNECTION_URI.
ADBC_POSTGRES_PASSWORD Your Postgres database user password as an alternative to providing the ADBC_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_URI.
--config Can only be specified as a CLI flag and enables you to override the path to a YAML configuration file.
ADBC_ENV An environment descriptor (either development or production). development pretty-prints log output with logging enabled at debug level and above. production logs output in JSON format with logging enabled at info level and above.
ADBC_LOG_LEVEL Specifies the log level to use (one of: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) and overrides any presets from ADBC_ENV.
ADBC_OUTBOX_TABLE_TABLE_SCHEMA Configures the database schema of the outbox table.
ADBC_OUTBOX_TABLE_TABLE_NAME Configures the name of the outbox table.
ADBC_OUTBOX_TABLE_AUTO_CREATE Configures the application to create the outbox table if it doesn’t already exist on startup.
ADBC_NODES_TABLE_TABLE_SCHEMA Configures the database schema of the nodes table.
ADBC_NODES_TABLE_TABLE_NAME Configures the name of the nodes table.
ADBC_NODES_TABLE_AUTO_CREATE configures the application to create the nodes table if it doesn’t already exist on startup.
ADBC_HEALTH_ADDRESS Configures the TCP address for the server to listen on in the form host:port.
ADBC_POLL_FIXED_RATE If true, the application polls the outbox table at a fixed rate given by ADBC_POLL_INTERVAL (default 1 second). If false, the application uses a trigger with LISTEN/NOTIFY to poll for records only when the data in the outbox changes.
Pull the Database Connector